Sunday, January 27, 2013

Old human anatomy sketches

Cleaning out my storage unit I came across a lot of my old art. Most of it is forgettable but I like these sketches.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Lil Flash

Following up on Lil Batman I decided to create a series of little Justice League characters.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Lil Batman

He may be little but he's still BATMAN!!! Lil Joker, Lil Penguin LOOK OUT!

Two versions - which is better?


Wednesday, January 16, 2013


First post since my resolution, still within a week :)
Two options. I think I like the eyes better when they are all white.

The Dark Knight:

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

My January 9th Resolution

I don't believe in New Year's resolutions. I think they are stupid. I'm not saying you should not strive to better your life or do something that makes you happy. You should. But that is something you can do any time of the year, not just on January 1. All that said I do have a resolution. Here it is: I hope to complete something every week. I may not always have a completed work to share but I will at least post a sketch. I know there is a good chance I will miss a few weeks but I want to push myself to better myself as an artist. I want to try new styles even if I fail. I want to work on better composition. I have a tendency to create more cartoons than realistic work. Although I like my cartoon style I want to try more realism. I do not realistically have room to create traditional art but I'm dying to get back into oils and watercolor. Maybe sometime this year.

If you want to follow me I would love to hear your ideas. If you need any work done feel free to message me.

Dwight & Jim

So I've been watching The Office a lot lately. Gotta love the pranks Jim pulls on Dwight. Just a quick sketch of one of those possible shenanigans.

I wouldn't call this a finished work. My scanner is broken so I took a pic w my phone and emailed it to myself so I could play around with some colors. When I get a working scanner  I will do these characters right.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

I gotta learn to swim...

Early idea for another work.
I wanna add Ezio and Connor in the water taunting Altaïr.

Friday, January 4, 2013


This is not something I would usually draw but at the request of a friend I drew a fairy. I think I like the blue version better but I'm posting both.

I'm pretty please with how these turned out. These are vector images, I may go back and paint in more detail at a later time. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Batman and Joker get Drunk

Batman and Joker had one crazy New Year. They may not remember this night. I hope Alfred had the keys to the Batmobile.